10 October 2023 | Hybrid
BMA House, London
Delivering greener care for a healthier future

Suren Kanagasundaram

Consultant Nephrologist

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Suren, a Renal Consultant at Newcastle Hospitals, is the clinical co-chair of the UK Kidney Association’s Sustainable Kidney Care programme, a member of the NHS England Net Zero Clinical Transformation Advisory Board and sits on the steering group of the International Society of Nephrology’s global GREEN-K, initiative, also co-leading its procurement workstream. He is a Trustee of Northumberland Wildlife Trust and founded Newcastle Hospitals’ Green Gym and Nature Connect programme.

He is in partnership with the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition, undertaking deep, life-cycle analyses of renal service environmental impacts and developing carbon calculators for use by the global renal community in identifying their own carbon hotspots.