10 October 2023 | Hybrid
BMA House, London
Delivering greener care for a healthier future





BMJ is a global healthcare knowledge provider with a vision for a healthier world. We share knowledge and expertise to improve healthcare outcomes.

Read more about BMJ and the events we host.


The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC) coordinate action, provide leadership, and amplify the voice of health professionals across the UK.

Read more about The UK Health Alliance on Climate Change.




The Greener NHS programme works with staff, hospitals and partners. Building on the great work done by trusts across the country, sharing ideas on how to reduce the impact on public health and the environment, save money and reach net carbon zero.

Read more about the Greener NHS.

Greener Practice is the UK’s primary care sustainability network and a community interest company. We are a community of healthcare professionals working together to inspire sustainable General practice. We are made up of over 30 groups across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as well as a number of special interest groups. We also partner with organisations to help support delivery of sustainable healthcare in primary care.

Our website https://www.greenerpractice.co.uk/ has lots of resources and information to help people on their sustainability journey.

Twitter @GreenerPractice